Are you a digitally remote worker struggling to create a highly-productive workspace at home? Look no further! I’ve compiled a list of what i believe to be the top home office essentials that will absolutely help you stay focused, organized, and motivated throughout your busy workday. From ergonomic chairs to noise-canceling headphones, the items i have listed are must-have items that will transform your home office into the perfect workspace for maximum productivity.

1. Office Desk

A high-quality desk is a crucial component for any remote worker’s home office. Not only does it provide a manageable surface for your computer and other work-related items, but it also helps create a dedicated space that can help you boost your productivity. A good desk should be large enough to accommodate all of your equipment, and comfortable enough to sit at for extended periods. Also, it helps if the desk is adjustable to fit your height and posture. Investing in a high-quality desk will not only improve your productivity but also benefit your physical health by reducing strain on your back, neck, and shoulders.

In fact, as the site points out, working in/having uncomfortable work furniture “increases the risk of health issues like Musculoskeletal disorders and osteoarthritis.”

Either way, having a desk that can adjust to your specific needs will boost your productivity and lower your discomfort.

2. Office Chair

A high-quality office chair is an absolutely essential item for any home office or remote worker’s office space. Sitting at a desk for prolonged periods can put a strain on your back and neck, leading to discomfort and possibly can even have long-term health consequences. A good office chair should provide proper lumbar support to maintain the natural curve of your spine, be adjustable in height and tilt to accommodate your posture, and have comfortable cushioning. Making the decision to invest in a high-quality office chair not only improves your comfort but also boosts productivity by allowing you to focus on work without distractions or discomfort. I mean, i’m sure everyone at some point in our lives has had to endure the grueling time spent in an uncomfortable chair that just seemed to torture us from the moment we sat to the moment we left. The first that comes to mind are the old school desk chair abominations… 

3. Ergonomic keyboard

Although in the past some people have tried to link Non-ergonomic keyboards with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, today we know there is no connection that can be proved if you type less than 20 hours a week. 

However, having an ergonomic keyboard still relieves pain in people that are regularly typing or working in an office environment.

4. Noise-Canceling Headphones

If you’re working from home, owning a pair of noise-canceling headphones should generally be at the top of your priority list. With the pandemic forcing/allowing many people to work remotely, it’s made it increasingly difficult to find a quiet space to concentrate on your work. Noise pollution comes in literally any form, from the sound of traffic outside your window to noisy neighbors or family members talking in the next room. This is where noise-canceling headphones come in handy.

There are several main benefits of owning noise-canceling headphones when working from home/on the move. Firstly, they help you maintain focus by canceling out background noise and allowing you to concentrate on your work at hand without interruptions. Secondly, they can reduce stress levels since repeated exposure to loud noises can cause anxiety and fatigue, affecting both productivity and mental health.

Another benefit is that they allow you to enjoy content without disturbing others around you. Whether you are listening to music, podcasts or attending meetings, wearing noise-canceling headphones ensures that other people are not disturbed by the noise/audio coming from your computer or phone.

Personally, I’m looking at purchasing a pair of these from Bose. The reviews look absolutely stellar and while they are more expensive than I would like, they aren’t obscenely priced.

5. High-Quality webcam

In today’s world, where remote work has blossomed and is becoming normalized, owning a quality webcam is essential. Video conferencing has replaced tedious in-person meetings and interviews, and having a clear and crisp image is essential for making a good impression. A low-quality webcam can make you appear unprofessional and complicate group work with your colleagues or business associates. Investing in a high-quality webcam ensures that you present yourself in the best possible light during virtual meetings. It also allows you to communicate in a more effective manner by displaying visual aids or demonstrating products without having to deal with low-resolution video. To be blunt, owning a high-quality webcam is a great investment in your professional/personal image and will enhance your communication skills while working from home/abroad.

6. Whiteboard

This one should be self-explanatory. Having visual aids that can help you both stay productive and time-efficient is an absolute must.For me, I use my whiteboard daily for at-home use and couldn’t imagine doing half the amount of work I currently produce in a world without it.

Also, don’t fret, you don’t need an overly large board. Whiteboard can be found for anywhere from $15 to several hundred. Again, just purchase something that’s reasonable and will get you started.

7. Paper Organizer

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to assume that a paper filing system is no longer necessary for at-home offices. However, having a paper filing system is still absolutely necessary for keeping important paperwork organized and accessible. 

While digital storage may seem convenient, it’s not foolproof and can be vulnerable to cyber-attacks or technical issues. A solid paper filing system provides you with an additional layer of security and peace of mind. It also allows for quick access to your important documents without relying on any technology or internet connection. Additionally, it can help reduce clutter in your busy workspace by providing a designated place for your physical documents/copies. In conclusion, while modern digital storage has its benefits, an old-fashioned paper filing system continues to be an essential component of any at-home office setup.

8. External Hard Drive

If you work remotely, having an external hard drive is an absolute must. The way I use one and the way I recommend is to use it as a digital file storage. I use it in conjunction with my printer to scan documents and file them digitally. It’s perfect for eliminating space in offices or working environments where space is in limited supply.

9. Printer

As I mentioned previously in the above listing, a printer is one of the best tools you can own. In today’s world, where remote work is thankfully becoming normalized, owning a home printer is vital for any office setup. While most documents can be shared digitally through various distribution methods, there are still times when having a physical copy is necessary. Printing out contracts, invoices, or other important documents can save you time and allow you to have a hard copy of vital information. Additionally, having a home-based printer at allows for more control over printing projects such as flyers or brochures without relying on expensive public printing services. Honestly, owning a home-based printer is an investment in your personal productivity and saves both time and money in the long run.

10. Weekly Planner

Absolutely everyone should find the need to stay organized and have their affairs for the week laid out. Using a weekly planner for your home office is a superb way to stay organized and productive. It helps you keep track of all the tasks that must be completed and gives you an accurate focal/reference point throughout your week. You can easily change your plans quickly in case of unexpected changes to your schedule and review your progress as time passes. Written plans help ensure that goals are met within your personal timelines with minimal stress, and it allows for you to schedule in downtime for you to rest without feeling guilty about it. This keeps distractions from absolutely destroying work hours, allowing more actual work to be accomplished. A good weekly planner should include room for comments, notes, and references for easy re-checking and reminders. These facets are hallmarks of a good planner that will propel you forward and allow you to accomplish more work.